Thursday, June 30, 2011

Western Mass. 4th of July Happenings

Fireworks, July 4 festivities schedule for Western Massachusetts

Check out where the fireworks are for this weekend.

Enjoy your 4th of July weekend!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Come to the Trolleyfest - Shelburne Falls, Mass

The Shelburne Falls Trolley Museum in nearby Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts, announces an extra special Trolleyfest 2011 in celebration of the museums 20th anniversary of operation of Car No. 10, the 115 year old Trolley which once ran across the historic Bridge of Flowers.

Besides rides on Car No. 10, Saturday June 25th is full of exciting events all day long!
An all day admission pass is only $3 for adults, and kids under six are free!

Read more about it:


Charming Greenfield, Mass Bungalow - $149,000

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Pioneer Valley Sales Fall, Median Price Remains Steady

Pioneer Valley home sales fall while median price stays steady.

The median sales price of a home sold in the Hampden, Hampshire and Franklin counties fell by 0.05 percent from $180,000 in May 2010 to $179,900 in May 2011. 

The number of homes sold fell 21.7 percent though, from 411 in May 2010 to 322 in May 2011.

Read more about the local housing market.

3200sqft Quality Built Custom Cape - Northfield, Mass

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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Pioneer Valley, Mass Real Estate Update

Experts say real estate 'in limbo,' with activity up, but sales slack

I agree with what the real estate agents quoted in this article featured in the Hampshire Gazette.  It has been busy the past few weeks with showing requests especially the under 200,000 price range.  But at this point we don't have the pending sales to support the activity we are receiving.  It is still early in the year and time will tell if this year will end up better than the last.